Captain’s Log March 2015

Did you smell that whiff of warm air outside? Did you see the palm trees? I did – either in my dreams or on my work trip to California. Either way, they were pretty, and they reminded me that spring begins this month! Let’s get through the March snowstorms and on into the thaw.

I hope we get to see everyone at the party on the 14th. You only get one chance each century to celebrate Pi Day, so this may be your only chance!

The passing of Leonard Nimoy has affected many of us quite a bit. I have heard multiple comments like “it literally took my breath away” and “this is the big one.” It’s hard to believe that he is gone, and somehow it’s so much more impactful that other losses we have endured. Is it because this tips the scales and we have now lost so many, or that Leonard was just such a good guy? It’s probably a combination, but for me it’s the latter. Of all the stars I have worked with in my travels, he was the most………………Seriously, he was a good man and he did many things for many people. I know that we will all miss him. We all have a chance to honor him by donation of blood or money - see the article on the website/newsletter. And that's all I have to say about that.

See you around the galaxy!


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