Captain’s Yule Log – December 2018

Greetings and happy holidays, crew!

This weather sure can't decide what it wants to do, can it? First it was super warm, then really cold, and now as I write this we're unseasonably free of snow. Go figure. One things for sure: we'll end up with a winter one way or another. I hope everybody's getting a chance to enjoy it.

Speaking of holidays, don't forget to think about two upcoming events during these festive times. First, we have the St Patrick's Day Beer Tasting Party and Potluck on March 9th, and you can often find a good or unusual beer (or other beverage) during the holidays. Second, keep your eyes open for items for our Chuckwagon Social silent auction. There are deals everywhere and you can pick up items, plus re-gifting is a valuable strategy when going for an auction item to donate!

We are gearing up for MarsCon 2019. We don't have details yet, but we hope to have a room at the convention in addition to our annual MarsCon Blood Drive. If you have ideas, please bring them to the January meeting. We're particularly interested in low-impact projects that take fewer hands.

We really hope you can come to the holiday party on the 8th, so we're going to remind you lots of times during this newsletter! It should be a fun time, and we're very excited about being able to keep the cost to $19 for everyone, so see the details below and pay (online or to a board member) by the 28th.

See you around the galaxy!





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