USS Nokomis in the era of isolation

The world around has changed, and we change to respond. For decades we've met at set times, together to share plans, accomplishments, stories, and challenges. But now, we must change...

The novel coronavirus and its associated disease, COVID-19 can't be beat yet, we can only slow it down by taking precautions not to get infected, and even more importantly to prevent transmitting to others who might not be able to fight it off. To that end, we will meet using technology rather than location; we will plan on a far shorter timeline than monthly meetings might allow, and we will avoid events that unnecessarily expose anyone to the virus. We will react quickly with a primary focus on the health of our members and families.

Starting immediately, we change how we communicate

  • The calendar will be near real-time, and show change as well as current plans.  If an event was planned for a date and time and must be cancelled or postponed, the original date will remain in place with that label.  You can read the calendar through the Events menu
  • Rather than large, curated articles for a monthly newsletter, we'll post short articles as we learn. If you have information to share with the group, post it to the site using the Post an Article link under the MY USSNOKOMIS menu.  It will get a review before it's posted to be sure we get all the information to the right places.
  • Because things will change quickly, we won't wait for the monthly newsletter. Every Wednesday at noon, the website will automatically create a journal of newly published posts and sent it out to you.  Please take the time to read it.

If this were simply a few weeks of inconvenience we would not need these changes, time would be our friend.  It is not. Though we hope for a quick reduction in illness and rapid deployment of viable protections, our experience says the first will take months, the later will take far longer barring some luck and hard work.

Some of what we invent today may live on - please let us know what is working for you, and what needs some polish.

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