Has Great Content!

Do you need some diversion? Something to read? Your daily dose of Trek? If you haven't been looking at lately, now is a good time. There is a lot of excellent content being published right now, for several reasons.

First, there's a lot going on in the world. We know that our favorite show has taken on some tough topics over the years, and they are pretty relevant right now. Check out articles like "8 Reasons to Watch DS9 During Pride Month", "Star Trek's Space Scoundrels Ranked", "10 Women in Command Who Paved the Way for Kathryn", "The Next Generation's Call for Equality", and more.

Second, there's a lot going on in Star Trek. Various stars are sharing their thoughts on current and past shows. Authors are sharing things about their books. And yes, there are still scheduled Trek events that are being advertised, plus updates on the production of the current Star Trek shows.

Also, there's a also a call for Star Trek stories. Yes, you can write for Star Trek! Here are some examples - they are always interested in pitches on specific, timely issues and the following evergreen topics:

  • Timely responses to recent Star Trek episodes
  • Interviews with one-off Star Trek guest stars
  • Trek related essays
  • Personal essays that relate back to Trek
  • Any reported work that ties current events back into Trek, including...
    • Reported pieces about current space exploration (NASA, SpaceX, ISSA, etc.)
    • Reported pieces about technology relevant to Trek. (ie, Do you know of someone developing an EpiPen that operates like a hypospray?)
    • Deep dives (Did you reread Planet X and find some revelatory detail that warrants 1500-2000 words?)
    • Listicles (i.e. Your top 10 Class M Planets)
    • Interviews with and profiles of interesting Star Trek fans
    • Pieces that center voices from marginalized communities
    • Recurring columns on Trek-centered content

Much more detail, plus a cool store, is on the site. Check it out!

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