Captain’s Log – August 2015

Greetings, crew!

The summer is just flying by. You should be proud of what's happened so far this summer, from a fun con, great picnics, a beer launch partnership, lives saved by blood donation and children fed by packed food. It's pretty neat to be part of a group that does these fun things!

August has some more fun in store. Don't miss the campout and picnic at the cabin and the backyard movie night. More information is found in this month's newsletter. Don't forget to check back on the website often for changes and to join the Facebook groups for up-to-the-minute information.

Soon our young members are starting college - can you believe it! And the State Fair is coming, and Renaissance Festival! It's a fun time of year. It's also time to pay your yearly dues, which are all due in September for the first time this year. We'll be having a massive presentation at the October meeting of all year pins, and then we'll all find out who really needs to Get A Life!! Sorry, I had to.

See you around the Galaxy!


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