The U.S.S. Nokomis was founded in June of 1984. We've had hundreds of meetings and events, dozens of celebrations, and uncountable hours of good times. A few hundred people have visited our Club and more than a few have remained long term. We've had romances and a few marriages, births and deaths, challenges and accomplishments. It's remarkable that any organization can last this long, it's time to celebrate.
It's a year-long celebration with a list of happenings:
- On May 4th we held our Celebration Dinner and Dance. For a meeting summary
- Read the post 40th Anniversary Celebration was Fun!
- Mary had some Challenge Coins made for our occasion - if you didn't make the Dinner and Dance, check with Mary to see if there's one available for you!
- At the actual anniversary date we'll hold the Anniversary Picnic - June Meeting and 40th Anniversary Picnic NEXT MONTH
- In the meantime, and before the Picnic you can get your swag - Scott's set up with mugs, t-shirts, and more - directly sent to your home, no need to wait for a meeting.