Captain’s Log, Supplemental: Farewell to 2021

Greetings, Crew!

Sorry about missing last week's newsletter. I was volunteering at a blood drive and time got away from me. But I'm back now!

I hope everyone had a chance to do something enjoyable over the last week or two. Our family got to celebrate several times and eat quite a lot! We would normally be rather slow in my world because elective surgeries and other procedures tend to be down over the holidays, but of course the pandemic has kept us hopping. Here's hoping for a dull moment in the new year. I'll put in a shameless plug for blood donation - so many people are either sick or sticking close to home that we have a true emergency on our hands. Please consider giving blood. We'll be hosting our own blood drive on March 12th, so you still have time to get in a donation by early January and still donate at MarsCon!

As we close out the year, I am thankful for all of you. We've had a good year overall, with a whole bunch of creative fun and new Star Trek. What a blessing to have a group of friends to hang out with, in person or over the airwaves. We've also found ways to help others, with funds and donations raised for multiple charities. Take a minute to pat yourselves on the back for this, because a lot of groups have paused their charitable activities. Great job!

Take care of yourselves, and see you around the Galaxy in 2022!



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