Captain’s Log, Supplemental: March 2, 2022

Greetings, Crew!

Welcome to March, when there are a few important things to remember. First, the General Membership Meeting is on the third Saturday instead of the second Saturday. Yes, it's on the 19th. Last night at the Governing Board Meeting, we decided that the meeting will be virtual. We hope to have our April meeting in person - yeah!!!

Another thing to remember during March is MarsCon. USS Nokomis members will be in the hotel lobby on Saturday, March 12th greeting blood donors for our annual MarsCon blood drive from 10am to 4pm. Stop by and visit us. At this time, our extraordinary recruiter (First Officer Jane) has filled all of the slots, but donors tend to drop out on the day of the drive, so if you want to donate we will probably have a spot for you.

Finally, we are having an in-person beer tasting party this month for the first time since 2019! Woo hoo! It's on the evening of March 19th and details will be published in the next newsletter. It's also a St Patrick's Day party, and it falls on Emma's birthday, so we have three reasons to celebrate.

Other upcoming events of note:

  • April 3rd is the National Lutheran Choir Gala and you can volunteer
  • April 9th, after our General Membership Meeting, is the next C.A.T. Show. Bring your art, craft or talent (or all three) to share with the group. We'll also be having a bake sale, by popular demand
  • April 23rd is reserved for an escape room outing, so we'll be gauging interest at the March meeting

See you around the Galaxy!


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