Captain’s Log, Supplemental: March 23, 2022

Greetings, Crew!

We had a great meeting last Saturday and discussed quite a few things. We didn't have quorum, so a few things were not addressed. Here's a heads-up on the most important topic. As you know, every other year we hold elections for Governing Board positions. We make calls for nominations during March and April, then hold the election in May at our monthly General Membership Meeting. This is your official notice that I am calling for nominations in March.

You can nominate someone else or nominate yourself. The positions are as follows:

  • Captain/President
  • First Officer/Vice President
  • Science/Chief Financial Officer
  • Medical/Newsletter Editor & Historian
  • Operations/Secretary
  • Security/Membership

As a group, the Governing Board meets once a month before the General Membership Meeting (typically 9-10 times each year). We set the agenda for the meeting and talk through logistics and details. If you have questions about the duties and obligations of a position, let me know. If you'd like to get involved with the Board, here's your chance. We will also call for nominations at the April General Membership Meeting.

See you around the Galaxy!




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