June Membership Meeting Zoom Link

Join us a little before noon on Saturday the 12th to check your tech. We don't have an after-meeting activity formally planned, but there will surely be some visiting and lunching going on!

Here's the link:

Topic: USS Nokomis June General Membership Meeting
Time: Jun 12, 2021 12:00 PM Central Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 314 108 5993
Passcode: 12345

Dial by phone: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 314 108 5993
Passcode: 12345

Feed My Starving Children July 19th

We're packing food in Eagan on Monday, July 19th. We have two reservations with the same name (USS Nokomis), so I'm providing two links for you to use. There's a lot of demand now and uncertainty with reservations, so each group can only be 5 (of course we'll all be together once we arrive). Maybe we'll even add a third group if we get a great turnout. Of course, we'll go out to dinner after the packing to feed ourselves!



Signing up quickly is a great idea to make sure we can all get in. If you have any issues signing up, please let me know and I'll add your name.

Anniversary Picnic 2021 – New Month, New Day, New Location

Greetings, and Good News - the Pandemic is receding from view each and every day.  That means we get to meet in person for the first time since February of 2020.  What better way to kick off some semblance of OK than to have our Anniversary Picnic!

Back in March we decided to leave a little more time for recovery, so we postponed the meeting from June to July.  Since Saturdays in summer get busy, we put the picnic on Sunday, July 11th.  And we are still meeting at West Bush Lake Park but we have a different shelter this time.  It's the same park, just one shelter to the South.  Click on the map image for a larger view.

What to look forward to:

  • A very short business meeting
  • Actual People in 3-D
  • The smells of good grilling
  • And a few games, perhaps involving PEEPS

We'll also be setting up a virtual camera and speaker so you can visit if you just can't make it to Bloomington.

Captain’s Log, Supplemental: June 2, 2021

Greetings, Crew!

It's here - actual summer! We've spent some time this weekend out on the water, and have been on riverboats at the top and the bottom of the Mississippi, so now it feels real.

As the world opens up, we're looking forward to more get-togethers with everyone. At next week's meeting we will discuss some plans, so look for the Zoom link next Wednesday. Is it possible that this is the last all-virtual meeting? Maybe, but for those of you that join from afar, we'll be working to keep a virtual option long-term.

Speaking of opening up, our eyes are peeled for news of the con world. It looks like CONvergence is a go for August 5-8, which of course will include our 21st annual blood drive on the 7th. We will not, however, be hosting a party room this year due to limited time and flexibility in planning. As you know, it takes months and many hands to complete that major event. Mark your calendar to donate blood, because we'll have a drive regardless of the convention's decision. Gotta keep savin' lives!

Take care everyone, and see you around the Galaxy!


Cutting Board Class on Sunday

There are still openings for the class at Barley John's patio on Sunday. The instructor walks through the process and explains the wood selections, and then you choose and glue your own. Boards are available for pickup a week later. Beverages are available for purchase during the class. A few of us are going, so if you're interested, see the link HERE

Captain’s Log, Supplemental: May 26, 2021

Greetings, Crew!

We're almost into the summer months, with many fun things coming up. I hope everyone has a minute or two to relax on the upcoming holiday weekend. Several of our members have family and friends that have died while serving our country, and our thoughts are with you at Memorial Day.

Here's something that I just learned about and that started on May 12th. As part of Gene Roddenberry's Centennial (he would be 100 years old in 2021), a podcast is being produced daily to share 100 of his notable quotes. Today's quote, for example, is as follows: “I am an alien, and so are you. And yet, somehow we’re also part of each other, and part of everything that is.” Each quote is read by someone special, such as today's guest Doug Jones (what a perfect choice!). Others include "notable celebrities, creatives, and scientific leaders", which is intriguing. You can access the podcasts HERE

You can also access the quotes by enabling Alexa to respond to "Alexa, play the Roddenberry daily quote". Since mine responds to the word Computer, this is doubly geeky and fun. The 100 days end on Gene's 100th birthday - August 19th. There are also other fun things planned, and you can check them out HERE.

That's it for now - see you around the Galaxy!



Star Trek as Musical Theater

Yes, you read that correctly. This weekend you can watch Umpqua Community College Theater's production of Arena Gorn Superstar online! The production takes place in person at this small school in Oregon, and on YouTube, at 6:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2:00 p.m. Sunday. You can find tickets HERE for $10 plus a handling fee. More information is on their Facebook page HERE.

TrekReport reviewed the show and said that the Gorn will leave audiences “giggling” and that the show will “make you stand and applaud.” Sounds like something to check out this weekend! If you do, please please please come to the next meeting and tell us about it!!

Captain’s Log, Supplemental: May 19, 2021

Greetings, Crew!

Finally, some wonderful weather! We enjoyed a weekend getaway to New Orleans since last week's newsletter, and the weather was hot and sunny - quite a welcome change. It's great here, too, when it's not sprinkling. I hope everyone is getting a chance to get out - or at least open a window - and enjoy the fresh air.

Speaking of fresh air, have you marked your calendar for August 12th? That's the night we'll gather in the backyard theater to watch the Season 2 premier of Star Trek: Lower Decks (plus more episodes, undoubtedly). All of the new Trek is so exciting, especially now that half of the first Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season is filmed. I wish they'd announce that premier date - love to get THAT on the calendar! Also, get July 11th on there for our 37th anniversary picnic.

That's it for now - see you around the Galaxy!
