Captain’s Log, Supplemental: February 10, 2021

Greetings, Crew!

Can you feel your face yet? Kinda cold here in the North, but you'll get all warm and cozy when you tune in for this Saturday's meeting. The Zoom information is below.

We're ready to start collecting recipes for our next cookbook. Email your recipes to me and I'll get them in the list. Remember that wonderful dish you brought to the last potluck that made everybody oooooh and aaaaah? That's the one to send, along with family favorites or fun things you've seen online. We'll be featuring the menus from past Valentine Dinners, too. The best part of compiling a cookbook in the modern world is the ease of copying and pasting your recipes right into the email, so bring 'em on. You can send as many as you want to

Don't forget that tonight is TC Trek Trivia. Anyone is welcome to join our team, so send me an email by 6pm and I'll include you. The fun starts at 7pm and the theme is "Love in the Time of Star Trek."

Finally, don't forget our upcoming pizza party on February 26th! We'll discuss it at the meeting and in upcoming newsletters.

See you around the Galaxy!


February General Membership Meeting Zoom Link

Please join us for the monthly membership meeting at noon on Saturday. We'll have our regular business meeting, a fun quiz game, and then some visiting.

It's a great idea to log on a few minutes early to ensure sound and video are working.

Topic: USS Nokomis February Membership Meeting
Time: Feb 13, 2021 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 314 108 5993
Passcode: 12345

Dial by phone: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 314 108 5993
Passcode: 12345
Note: Those that join by phone will not be able to see the quiz, but can play online.


Baby, Baby!

Thanks to everyone that guessed our baby's identity last week. Nobody got it right! Who stumped us? It was Erin McCanna!

Here's our next little one - who do you think this little tiny guy in the onesie is? Don't be shy - shoot me a quick email


Captain’s Log, Supplemental: February 3, 2021

Greetings, Crew!

Can you believe this is the 12th month in which we've had virtual USS Nokomis meetings and events?!?!?!?! When we started having virtual meetings last year we were trying out new territory - boldly going where we had not gone before. After nearly a year, we've gotten really good at it. We've had parties, games, contests, news, elections, announcements, fundraisers, and other fun without actually being together. The good news is that we've actually reached more members this way and our quorum has increased because far-away people don't have to travel to meetings. Of course there's the flip side - we really want to get back together - but we'll get there in time. For now, we continue to welcome new ideas for virtual fun, so keep them coming.

Speaking of virtual fun, I hope you can join us for the February meeting on the 13th. We'll be doing business, playing a quiz game, and visiting. Information for the Zoom meeting will be in the next newsletter. If you haven't sent me any facts (what I did during 2020, my favorite color, something about me that nobody knows), now's the time!

Finally, I am super-duper-hyper-dyno-excited about the fact that Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is scheduled to start filming in TWELVE DAYS!! They started in pre-production in August and it's possible that we'll see a release date in late 2021. This one is more exciting to me that any series since TOS, so I'm surely crossing my fingies!

See you around the Galaxy!



Hey, Baby!

Who was that little baby in last week's newsletter? It was Kate Mulgrew, aka Captain Janeway. She has the honor of being featured because I didn't have any member pictures to share. However, I got a few submissions, so here we go! Who do you think this good-looking little person is? Email me at to guess.

And PS, the answer to the riddle from last week. It was a trick question, as peacocks don't lay eggs. Hee hee hee!

16th Annual MarsCon Blood Drive is March 6th!

MarsCon may not be taking place in person, but we can still save lives! Please plan to donate blood during our blood drive at the Hilton Minneapolis/Mall of America (3800 American Boulevard E, Minneapolis MN 55425) on Saturday, March 6 between 10:00 AM and 04:00 PM.

We also need some help greeting donors in the hotel lobby. Please let Mary know if you can come to help. The tasks are simple - signing people in, taking their temperature, and giving them a prize - and you get to sit most of the day!

We have lots of appointments open right now, but they'll fill up fast due to the fact that the Red Cross is testing all donations for antibodies to COVID-19. That means that you should grab one fast. Use the link below or sign on to and use Sponsor Code "MarsCon". Jane will be signing people up too, so if you run in to trouble, let her know.

Contests and Questions

Congratulations to Melanie, who correctly guessed our last little baby as Jenna!! I'm out of baby pictures from our members, so I'll give you a brain teaser instead: If 2 peacocks lay 10 eggs in 2 days, how many peacocks will lay 100 eggs in 24 days? Email me your guess.

And also, guess who this non-member (and familiar face) is...

The answer to the afore-mentioned sneaky question is 52. How'd you do?

Happy Birthday to the Gorn!

Did you know that the Star Trek Original Series episode "Arena" premiered on January 19, 1967? The first appearance of the Gorn sparked multiple references in later Trek series. In addition, there are Gorn action figures (yah, I got mine), Gorn costumes (who would wear that?) and even several Gornaments for your tree.

In honor of this important birthday, has compiled a list of Gorn references over the years. These Easter Eggs are sometimes obvious, and sometimes hard to see. They range from the Gorn appearing as an Elysian Councilor in the Animated Series, to the mention of Bones delivering eight Gorn babies - one of which bit him - in Star Trek: Into Darkness, to that crazy Gorn skeleton of Captain Lorca's. Those writers do love their Gorn! You can find all of these Easter Eggs HERE