Holiday Party Time – Buy Your Tickets Now!

And here's the breaking news - this December we are going where no USS Nokomis holiday event has gone before!

We'll be attending Betty Danger's new drag brunch as a group on December 12th. It's called "Felicia's Navidad - Making the Yuletide Gay" and it looks like a hoot. In case you are not familiar with it, Betty Danger's is the Northeast Minneapolis restaurant with the big ferris wheel on property (there's only one in town). They are featuring an exclusive menu of holiday food and drinks, along with some favorites from the regular menu, during the show.

Everyone will be buying their own tickets online and the link is HERE. The cost is $15 plus a handling fee. Make sure you are selecting the 1pm show and not the earlier one! Do it quick, because this looks pretty popular. Once you do, please drop me an email () to make sure I know to include you in the large table. They hope to seat all of us together.

What the heck, let's try something new and different this year!! Check out the menu and details at


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