St. Patrick’s Day Beer Tasting Party

We had a great time at this year's party. It was really fun to be back together in person. We had quite a few beers to taste and ended up with some very interesting choices. The most interesting, in my opinion, were the dill pickle beer and the mint patties stout. This was the first year in a long time where every entrant was actually a beer (no soda, hard cider, etc.), and only one entrant was non-alcoholic.

The first place prize went to Leah for Toppling Goliath Brewery's Strawberry Shortcake Fandango Kettle Sour Beer. Yah, that's a mouthful! It's also the second time a person that was too young to taste the entries won the day. Rich won second place with Left Hand Brewing Company's Peanut Butter Milk Stout Nitro. The inadvertent juxtaposition of the strawberry shortcake and peanut butter brews made for a new taste sensation we like to call Peanut Butter and Jelly Deluxe!

Several people tried very hard to win the USS Nokomis Bad Beer Board, and one of them was Harrison. He took the prize with a noxious brew called Lazer Snake IPA by 3 Floyds Brewing. This continues the long tradition of the worst beer including the name of an animal (e.g. Spotted Cow, Speckled Hen, Elephant). This beer got exactly no votes.

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone that attended. Whether you tasted beer or not (and quite a few didn't), it was so fun to see all of you!


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