Captain’s Log, Supplemental: January 26, 2022

Greetings, Crew!

I hope everyone is doing well.

Are you enjoying Star Trek: Prodigy? We are, and it's getting better as it goes. That's true of all shows, I guess, as they find their footing. It's so much easier to go back some time later and watch an episode, once the character development has been done. I kind of like having to wait a week for each new episode, like in the old days, LOL!!

The new trailer for Picard, Season 2 has been released. If you haven't seen it, check it out HERE

It's interesting that they chose to go back to 2024. For one thing, it's very close. For another, it has a specific history in the Star Trek timeline. Remember the Sanctuary Cities and the Bell Riots? Yup, 2024. It will be interesting to see if they reference these events. I love tie-ins!

I hope you're all handing the cold. We haven't been going out unless we have to, which seems to be a good strategy. Warmer weather is coming!

See you around the Galaxy!


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