Captain’s Log, Supplemental: 2-2-22

Greetings, Crew!

I read that a sequence of 2s is lucky, so I hope you're having a lucky day today! It's the only time we'll see four 2s in our lifetimes (unless you are a positronic being and I don't realize it). I feel pretty lucky to have seen the new Star Trek: Strange New Worlds poster that just hit the airwaves. Can you say "Tango"?

Have you heard about the 2022 LLAPy Awards? It's part of Virtual Trek Con 3, the third year of a virtual convention that launched in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. The Awards are not decided by an academy, but by the fans! All of the nominees were announced last night on The Main Viewer, and you can see them (and all of the categories) on the Virtual Trek Con Facebook page HERE. It's fun to see what people chose!

This is absolute last call for some delectable tidbits of information about you for next week's Kahoot game. I'm still pretty light on content, so email me ASAP.

That's it for now. Enjoy the chilly weather. See you around the Galaxy.



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