Captain’s Log, Supplemental: April 20, 2022

Greetings, Crew!

Hello from sunny North Carolina!! It's back to work travel for me, after two years.

We're looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. We've got the in-person meeting at Oxboro Library in Bloomington on May 14th, plus the Journey to Babble tour later that day. Scott has some fun stops planned for all to enjoy.

Of course, noting beats the fact that Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is in 15 days!! Watch your newsletter for information about a viewing location - it's still in the works.

See you around the Galaxy!


Captain’s Log, Supplemental: April 13, 2022

Greetings, Crew!

We had a great time at our first in-person meeting in over two years! It was so fun to see faces that we haven't seen in ages. The C.A.T. Show was fun, too. We saw beautiful paintings and photography, decorated cakes, 3D-printed creations, cigar box guitars, and even a one-string Canjo. I am always impressed at the variety of things our members do for fun. Of course, the day couldn't be complete without a meal at the nearby El Loro!

Here's a calendar update - the escape room outing has been postponed due to lack of interest in our April 23rd date.

There are just 22 days left until the premier of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. We are working on a site for a group viewing party, so save the date and stay tuned.

See you around the galaxy!


Captain’s Log, April 2022

Greetings, Crew!

Here it is - the news you've all been waiting for!! Our membership meeting this weekend in going to be IN PERSON! Yes, it's true, and it will be at the Brooklyn Park Library at 8500 West Broadway. Be there, or be square. If you're square, you can still tune in by Zoom. Find the link below. This will be a fun experiment, as we will see how the camera and sound function in a normal meeting. It worked fairly well at the picnic last year, so we hope it will be even better indoors.

When you come to the meeting, plan to bring your Craft, Art or Talent for the C.A.T. show. Last year we saw baked goods, needlework, jewelry, fun activities, and so much more! Anything is welcome, no matter how big or small. If you are at home, we'll see your item(s) on camera. The sharing will happen right after the meeting.

What will not happen right after the meeting is a bake sale. We talked about having one, but several of the major participants (whose yummy items we look forward to every time) will not be at the meeting so we'll wait to do it on another date.

We are sooooo excited to see you in person!! I'll bet it's safe to say that we'll go out to eat afterwards as a group, too.

In case you missed the big announcement for First Contact Day, check out this trailer for Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard. Seriously, it'll give you the shivers.

See you around the Galaxy! PS - only 29 days left!!!



Zoom Link for April’s General Membership Meeting

We'd love to see most of you (if you don't live far, far away) in person. Here's a Zoom link in case you can't make it.

Either way, don't forget to bring something to share in the C.A.T. Show.

Mary is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: USS Nokomis April General Membership Meeting
Time: Apr 9, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 314 108 5993
Passcode: 12345

Dial by phone: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 314 108 5993
Passcode: 12345


2022 Journey to Babble

We'll be doing another tour on May 14th, so plan to join us. After our General Membership Meeting, we'll set out on a planned afternoon of fun. Expect to have lunch at the first stop and to go to several other libation-laden destinations after that. You'll hear more at the meeting this Saturday, but you don't have to wait to sign up. The signup sheet is available on the website under My USS Nokomis.

Captain’s Log, Supplemental: March 23, 2022

Greetings, Crew!

We had a great meeting last Saturday and discussed quite a few things. We didn't have quorum, so a few things were not addressed. Here's a heads-up on the most important topic. As you know, every other year we hold elections for Governing Board positions. We make calls for nominations during March and April, then hold the election in May at our monthly General Membership Meeting. This is your official notice that I am calling for nominations in March.

You can nominate someone else or nominate yourself. The positions are as follows:

  • Captain/President
  • First Officer/Vice President
  • Science/Chief Financial Officer
  • Medical/Newsletter Editor & Historian
  • Operations/Secretary
  • Security/Membership

As a group, the Governing Board meets once a month before the General Membership Meeting (typically 9-10 times each year). We set the agenda for the meeting and talk through logistics and details. If you have questions about the duties and obligations of a position, let me know. If you'd like to get involved with the Board, here's your chance. We will also call for nominations at the April General Membership Meeting.

See you around the Galaxy!




Escape Room Outing

Did you come along when we went to the last escape room? It was a hoot, and one of the best-attended events for a long time. We went to Escape MSP near Highway 55 and 169 and we'd like to go back. Our chosen date is April 23rd. If we have 8 or more people the cost is $23.99 per person. You can check out the missions at

We need to get an accurate count of committed attendees in order to make the reservation. Please let Mary know ASAP if you would like to attend. We'll make the reservation by April 4th. Of course, we'll go out to eat afterwards, because that's what we do!

St. Patrick’s Day Beer Tasting Party

We had a great time at this year's party. It was really fun to be back together in person. We had quite a few beers to taste and ended up with some very interesting choices. The most interesting, in my opinion, were the dill pickle beer and the mint patties stout. This was the first year in a long time where every entrant was actually a beer (no soda, hard cider, etc.), and only one entrant was non-alcoholic.

The first place prize went to Leah for Toppling Goliath Brewery's Strawberry Shortcake Fandango Kettle Sour Beer. Yah, that's a mouthful! It's also the second time a person that was too young to taste the entries won the day. Rich won second place with Left Hand Brewing Company's Peanut Butter Milk Stout Nitro. The inadvertent juxtaposition of the strawberry shortcake and peanut butter brews made for a new taste sensation we like to call Peanut Butter and Jelly Deluxe!

Several people tried very hard to win the USS Nokomis Bad Beer Board, and one of them was Harrison. He took the prize with a noxious brew called Lazer Snake IPA by 3 Floyds Brewing. This continues the long tradition of the worst beer including the name of an animal (e.g. Spotted Cow, Speckled Hen, Elephant). This beer got exactly no votes.

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone that attended. Whether you tasted beer or not (and quite a few didn't), it was so fun to see all of you!