Captain’s Log, Supplemental: June 15, 2022

Greetings, Crew!

We had a great time at the 38th Anniversary Meeting and Picnic on Saturday. It was super fun to see so many of our friends! We had good food, played games, and just relaxed.

Our meeting was hybrid in format, so we could Zoom in several members. We reviewed all upcoming events, and here are some highlights:

  • St Paul Saints Game on July 14th against the Toledo Mud Huns. We have seats in section 112, rows 13 and 14 and in the handicapped section. Everyone needs to buy their own ticket, so go to the website and gets yours today. We have at least one extra single seat (maybe two), so if you are a single just let me know. The tickets are $18.
  • Feed My Starving Children on July 20th from 7 to 8:30pm in Eagan. We still need 8 more names on our list to pack. It's fun and easy, and of course we'll go out to dinner afterwards (probably at El Loro, but you never know). Sign up HERE to help.
  • CONvergence blood drive on August 13th at the Hyatt Regency. We're hosting our 21st drive at the convention and you can sign up now. Go to the website to claim your appointment time early.
  • 2022 Garden Party on July 23rd. You must sign up in advance to attend this event, due to planning needs. The signup sheet is available now under My USS Nokomis on the website. If you have questions, please let a board member know.

Speaking of board members, we now have our 2022 Governing Board in place. Dawn, Pam, Scott, Roxanne, Emma and I are all set to go for the next two years. Remember that all are welcome at board meetings - just ask a board member if you are interested.

See you around the galaxy!


Peep Toss!!

We tossed Peeps at the meeting on Saturday, and it was great. Actually, five contestants literally tossed their Peep, while others used a ping pong paddle (which broke), a slingshot, a well-placed kick, and a golf club. For the first time I can recall (of course, our Peep Master may have better recollection), there were ties in both the Junior and Senior divisions.

Using their strong arms, Leah and Zane both threw their Peeps downhill to the very same spot. The adult division winners were Alois, who must be a pitcher in his day job, and Harold, whose club hit the Peep with enough force that it flew in several pieces to the finish line.

All winners received fabulous prizes. The Juniors got their choice of Star Trek action figures and the adults won Amazon gift cards.

Thanks to everyone for playing - it was fun!!

Captain’s Log, June 2022

Greetings, Crew!

I hope you can make it to the Anniversary Picnic and meeting on Saturday! We'll be at West Bush Lake Park Shelter 1, the two-roofed shelter in the woods in West Bush Lake Park, Bloomington. At this point, I'm seeing 77 degrees with a chance of showers and little wind. A perfect day for a picnic under a nice big shelter!

A couple of reminders: We have the shelter from 11AM to 4PM, along with access to grills and the bathrooms. You are welcome to come any time before the noon meeting to get comfy. After the meeting we'll eat and we'll have grills going for your use. If you want to bring sharable food, please make it pre-packaged. Don't forget plates, silverware and your favorite beverage.

If you want to participate in the Peep Toss, come with a plan to propel the Peep farther than your peeps can! Remember, no piercing the Peep, altering its state or shape, or explosives. We'll have fabulous prizes!

We'll also be installing the new Governing Board during the meeting. Our thanks go to Jane Dusek, who is leaving the First Officer position after a long run. Thank you, Jane, for all of your work and dedication on behalf of our club!

See you around the Galaxy!





Zoom Link for General Membership Meeting

If you can't make it to the picnic in person, here's your link. We will start the Zoom call about 11:30 so you can tune in and check your tech at any time before the noon meeting. We'll do a sound check with those on the line to get the best possible sound for you.

Topic: USS Nokomis General Membership Meeting and Picnic
Time: Jun 11, 2022 11:30 AM Central Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 314 108 5993
Passcode: 12345

Dial by phone: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 314 108 5993
Passcode: 12345


2022 Garden Party is Open for Signups

This year's Garden Party dinner will be on July 23rd at the Captain's Quarters. This adults-only event is a fun time to relax and be waited on with your friends. You can even wear a lovely summer bonnet if you like!

Your $35 evening includes appetizers and a cocktail, followed by several courses of YUM. You'll be hosted by our chefs Emma, Shannon, Harrison and Ben. We'll be outside if weather permits, or move inside to the dry and cool. The signup sheet is now on the website under My USS Nokomis, so please sign up early to let us know you're coming.

Feed My Starving Children and Pampered Chef

Two piece of great news!

First, our Pampered Chef Fundraiser generated $45 for donation to Feed My Starving Children. We are happy to be able to contribute in this way, especially since our packing has been curtailed in the last two years.

But wait! There's more! Yes, we are going back to pack in July. We'll be at the Eagan facility (we like to rotate between North and South Metro locations) from 7pm to 8:30pm on July 20th. You can click this handy LINK to sign up to help and for information on the location. Of course, after the packing is over we'll go out for dinner, 'cause that's what we do!

Captain’s Log, Supplemental: June 1, 2022

Greetings, Crew!

It's finally summer and we're looking forward to some fun activities as a group. Next Saturday is our picnic (more information to follow below). It will be fun to be back at our favorite picnic shelter and see everybody. I have it on good authority that there will be a Peep Toss, so start thinking about how to turn those little darlings into projectiles (remember, no piercing the Peep and no explosives)!

Don't forget to get your tickets to the St. Paul Saints game against the Toledo Mud Hens on July 14th. Everyone needs to purchase their own tickets to attend. Several of us have gotten tickets in section 112 (around row 13-14, and as of today there are still quite a few in rows 10-14) if you'd like to be nearby. We sat in section 113 last night and the seats were great - right on the third base line. CHS Field has great food choices; poutine, funnel cake fries and seltzer took our money, but there are also more traditional baseball park offerings. Get your tickets at 

See you around the Galaxy!


Hallmark Keepsake is Enterprise, Strangely

Have you been collecting Hallmark's Keepsake ornaments since 1991?  Did you have to buy another tree to hold them all?  Fear not, we were not left in the cold this year.  Hallmark and Paramount waited until after the premiere of Strange New Worlds to announce this year's starship.  It's Chris Pike's Enterprise.

The ship is a little over 3" long, and the bridge, nacelles, and lights work. There is no connection to tree lights or power.

The ornament will be available October 8th.  For full details, click through to Hallmark's Ornament Page


Captain’s Log, Supplemental: May 25, 2022

Greetings Crew!

So, you remember how I was geeking out about Star Trek: Strange New Worlds before it premiered? You should see me now - I'm walking around all googly-eyed with glee!! Seriously, I love it, love it, love it so far. It feels like TOS and TNG, with stand-alone story lines and good storytelling. If you haven't, do it.

Those who attended the Journey to Babble had a great time! Thanks so much to Scott for setting up the day's festivities (and to Roxanne and Scott for transporting my other half)! I can't wait to go next time!

See you around the Galaxy!
