Captain’s Log, Supplemental: Farewell to 2021

Greetings, Crew!

Sorry about missing last week's newsletter. I was volunteering at a blood drive and time got away from me. But I'm back now!

I hope everyone had a chance to do something enjoyable over the last week or two. Our family got to celebrate several times and eat quite a lot! We would normally be rather slow in my world because elective surgeries and other procedures tend to be down over the holidays, but of course the pandemic has kept us hopping. Here's hoping for a dull moment in the new year. I'll put in a shameless plug for blood donation - so many people are either sick or sticking close to home that we have a true emergency on our hands. Please consider giving blood. We'll be hosting our own blood drive on March 12th, so you still have time to get in a donation by early January and still donate at MarsCon!

As we close out the year, I am thankful for all of you. We've had a good year overall, with a whole bunch of creative fun and new Star Trek. What a blessing to have a group of friends to hang out with, in person or over the airwaves. We've also found ways to help others, with funds and donations raised for multiple charities. Take a minute to pat yourselves on the back for this, because a lot of groups have paused their charitable activities. Great job!

Take care of yourselves, and see you around the Galaxy in 2022!



24/7 Trek! No Way!!

Who would do that? Who would watch Star Trek 24/7? OK, I would. Now it will be easier. Paramount+ is launching a new Star Trek channel with non-stop Trek action, so now you don't even have to make decisions about what Trek to Trek! See details HERE

Captain’s Log, Supplemental: December 15th, 2021

Greetings, Crew!

Welcome to Winter! Those of you that were wishing for snow surely got your wish.

Sign it along with me, now: "Oh what fun we all did have at Betty Danger's on Sundaaaaayyyyy!" Our holiday outing was really a hoot. Highlights included good music, great performers, excellent food and Paul's awesome Trek Sweater.

Seriously, I would recommend the show. It was so fun, and the decor in that place could be seen from space! I wasn't really expecting the food to be notable, but the breakfast platters, burgers and other things we tried were great. And the drinks - can you say Gingerbread White Russian? Unfortunately, all shows for this year are sold out, but it's definitely something I'd do again next year! Thanks to everyone that came to this fun new event!

That's about it for today. We're off to batten down the hatches ahead of tonight's expected weather. I sure hope the storms are over by the time you-know-who has to fly through our airspace in his magic sleigh!

See you around the Galaxy!



Captain’s Log, December 2021

Greetings, Crew!

I hope you're all snuggled in for a long winter's nap. Too bad that's not possible - work and life and all - but doesn't it sound nice?

Speaking of work and life, I encourage everyone to give blood this holiday season. The blood supply is at a 10-year low right now. One fun idea is the 12 Hours of Giving in Oakdale on December 21st and 22nd. It's really 18 hours this year, so there's lots of time to get in for an appointment. There's also music and giveaways and everybody gets a t-shirt. Plus, I'll be there the whole time to say HI. If you can't make that, please consider going to and searching for a convenient drive. There are dozens every day. Our next USS Nokomis blood drive is on March 12th, so you can give in December and still be eligible at that time. Thank you very much for saving lives!

We haven't seen each other for a while, and have only had a few in-person opportunities this year. That means we haven't caught up with some of you in quite a while. If you need anything - a chat or a hand - please reach out and let us know. We hope to see your faces again at the January membership meeting. Meanwhile, I hope you are having a nice December.

See you around the Galaxy!


Things To Look Forward To…

As we know, there are multiple iterations of Star Trek in production right now. It's hard to keep track of all the premier and air dates, but published the following on December 6th (based on a podcast appearance by Alex Kurtzman, the guy who should know):

According to the article, "the next show confirmed to arrive on Paramount+ is Prodigy, which comes back from hiatus to continue season one (with five more episodes) on January 6th." After that we can expect Season two of Picard to arrive in February and "the first season of Strange New early 2022." Can you say TWO USS Nokomis premier parties?

The third season of Lower Decks and the second group of 10 episodes from the first season of Prodigy are expected later in 2022. There is no word yet on if or when there will be a fifth season of Discovery. When asked about the rumored “Section 31” series led by Michell Yeoh (or as the podcast referred to it, “the Emperor Philippa spin-off”), Kurtzman said, "We’re in a very exciting place. I can’t tell you anything yet. But but it’s still very much alive." That sounds about right for Section 31 - you never really know what to expect!

Review: It’s an Honorable Life, by Diana

This Holiday season grab your bat'leth or Mek'leth and transport on down to the Mounds Theatre.  Because this year It’s an Honorable Life.

In previous years we’ve had A Klingon Christmas Carol, This year It’s an Honorable Life. A new take of It’s a Wonderful Life, the story follows a
Klingon named Bailey who is visited by Q. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I’ll do my best not to. You have not experienced It’s a Wonderful Life until you see it in the original Klingon.

Ever wonder what Klingons actually think of human holidays like Christmas? This gives us a glimpse of what they think Christmas is, for humans. It’s not just A Wonderful Life retold, other pop culture holiday stories are thrown in with a Star Trek twist. I laughed my way, through Klingons, performing what they think a Christmas Pageant is for Federation children, and a seussical tale of the Gronch. I recommend brushing up on your Klingon, and seeing It’s an Honorable Life this holiday season.

This is a recommendation review. I have no affiliation with the production, I'm just a fan of Star Trek who really enjoyed the show. I give this show
Four out of Four Lights !!!! If you decide to go see the show (posting this because it is yet to be on their website, but is on Facebook, either The Mounds Theatre page, and their events listed). The Mounds Theatre requires either proof of a full course of COVID-19 vaccination, or proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken in the 72 hours prior to the performance. Patrons must have a completed COVID-19 vaccination card, with their final dose at least fourteen days prior to the event, or a negative COVID-19 test result from a test taken 72 hours or less prior to the event. Attendees must wear masks inside the venue while not eating or drinking. Proof of vaccination may include a physical card or a photo of a complete vaccination
card that matches the patron ID. Proof of a negative test may be a printed or digital test result that matches the patron ID.

Captain’s Log, Supplemental: December 1, 2021

Greetings, Crew!

It's December already and no snow! That's fine with me, but I'm sorry for those of you that like the lovely white fluffiness.

We have no General Membership Meeting in December, as usual. Our Governing Board meeting is this Thursday evening via Zoom and we will be touching base on the next month's plans. We'll be sure to keep you updated as needed in the weekly newsletter. If you want to attend the Board meeting, let me know and I'll send you the link.

Today I sent out an email to everyone that is signed up for the holiday event on the 12th. If you didn't receive it and you have tickets, let me know ASAP so I can add you to the party.

Happy Hanukkah to those of you celebrating, and early happy to those whose holidays are upcoming.

That's all I've got for today. Take care, and see you around the Galaxy!


Captain’s Log, Supplemental: November 24th, 2021

Greetings, Crew!

Thanks to those that popped on the virtual premier session for Star Trek: Discovery, season 4. It's off to a great start and we are looking forward to what the rest of the season holds. At this point, all signs point to a Star Trek: Picard season 2 premier in February, so stay tuned. We hope to be at a fun locale for that one, of course. And don't get me started about the Strange New Worlds premier - I absolutely can't wait!!

Don't forget to get your tickets for the holiday outing at Betty Danger's on December 12th. If you get some, let me know so I can add you to the big table. We got some hints from a person that attended: Get there early to make sure you have time to order at the bar or by QR code at the table, and make sure to bring dollar bills - sounds intriguing!!

Also, we are considering a cookie/treat exchange on the day of the brunch. If you are interested in bringing a few plates of goodies for a trunk swap in the parking lot, let me know by December 1st. Who knows what yumminess you might take home!

Here's hoping that everyone has a nice Turkey Day and gets to relax for a few minutes. Jack and I will be heading down to the big Thanksgiving Day Blood Drive in St. James in the early wee hours to volunteer, then returning to the Cities to host our family dinner. Cheers to all! I am very thankful for all of you.

See you around the Galaxy!
