Captain’s Log, Supplemental: August 25th, 2021

Greetings, Crew!

We had a great time at the backyard movie night on the 13th! Over 20 of us enjoyed the first episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks' second season. We had a great meal, complete with Jersey Mike's sandwiches, chips and desserts. Then we had popcorn and watched a couple of scary Star Trek episodes - what could be more fun?

Speaking of Lower Decks, if you haven't watched the second episode yet, keep your remote in hand. There are so many visual Easter Eggs that we froze the picture over and over just to enjoy them!

If you're at the Fair, stop by the North End Event Center to say hi. I'll be there every day until at least 9am!

See you around the Galaxy!


August Membership Meeting Zoom Link

We'll meet this Saturday for a fairly brief meeting to update you on happenings in the club. Join us by Zoom at noon. After the meeting we'll hang out and socialize for a while.

Mary Pucel is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: USS Nokomis General Membership Meeting August 2021
Time: Aug 14, 2021 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 314 108 5993
Passcode: 12345

Dial by phone: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 314 108 5993
Passcode: 12345


Captain’s Log, Supplemental: August 4, 2021

Greetings, Crew!

I hope everybody's doing well. To those who are going to CONvergence - have a great time!

Speaking of CONvergence: As you know we were no able to hold our annual blood drive during the convention this year. We don't want to miss the opportunity for members to help save lives, nonetheless. Here's how you can find a blood drive: Go to and search for a blood drive near you. There's one near you, no matter where you are. If you're going to the State Fair, there's one every day. You can make your appointment for any drive just like you always do for our drives. Thanks for going the extra mile while we can't offer a quick and easy place to donate!

Remember when we asked for cookbook recipes months ago? We are pretty short on side dishes, beverages and candy/snacks. If you have any good ones, send them over to me at . Thanks in advance!

See you around the Galaxy!


Who Loves Uhura?

We all do, right? Riiiiiight.

There's a new book about a missing piece of the Star Trek story. Remember when Uhura got her memory wiped by Nomad? Remember how she was back on duty in the next episode as though nothing happened? Make sense? No.

Christopher L. Bennett's new book - Star Trek: The Original Series: Living Memory - "turns the spotlight on Uhura, one of Star Trek’s lesser-explored characters, and fleshes out the psychology and the consequences of what happened during “The Changeling”—and it turns out the fate of the galaxy may depend on recovering her lost memories."

This sounds fun, doesn't it? Check out more details HERE.

Feed My Starving Children

Ten USS Nokomis members attended the packing session at the Eagan facility on Monday night. We found the protocols changed, but the mission still the same. We could have a maximum of five packers per station (it's been up to ten in the past) and were able to keep up a pretty great pace. The whole group, including several groups of super-excited teens and a lone gentleman packing at his own station, packed 64 boxes and had a great time. The particular boxes we packed will travel to Haiti, where we were told the civil unrest is disrupting an already stressed nutritional pipeline. It's great to be able to help!

After the work, we went to play. Dinner at El Loro was a great way to cap off the evening. Thanks to everyone that participated!

55 Year Mission in Las Vegas

The year 2021 marks the 55th Anniversary of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry’s 100th birthday year and William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy's 90th birthday years. It’s the perfect time to celebrate and Creation Entertainment is doing it in August. There's still time to get tickets.

With over 100 celebrity guests (including Shatner, Takei, and Nichols!!!), they will have "multiple tracks of non-stop programming, contests, music, cosplay and surprises, plus partying galore." Other great guests include Sonequa Martin-Green, Jeri Ryan, Nana Visitor, David Ajala, Oded Fehr, Jonathan Del Arco, Jayne Brook, Mary Chieffo, Max Grodenchik, Casey Biggs, Lee Arenberg and Daniel Dae Kim.

Click HERE for the official site. Of course, if you go to Vegas it will be hard to be here for our annual backyard movie night on the 13th, so make your choice carefully!

An Interesting Rumor?

More Star Trek rumors have hit the airwaves in the last few weeks. This one sounds legit, as it's been reported by Variety, Hollywood Reporter, Daily Star Trek News, and more.

According to a EXCLUSIVE: "After orchestrating the Marvel/Disney+ series WandaVision to a 23-Emmy-nomination haul, Matt Shakman has made a deal to direct the next untitled Star Trek film for Paramount and Bad Robot’s JJ Abrams. Deadline hears the film will now move at warp speed and begin production next spring. They have a script by Lindsey Beer and Geneva Robertson-Dworet. This is significant in that it is the first Star Trek film to be written by female screenwriters."

The film's initial release date is reportedly June 9, 2023.


Captain’s Log, Supplemental: July 14, 2021

Greetings, Crew!

Wow, did we have a great time at the Anniversary Picnic on Saturday! It was so great to see people NOT on the Zoom screen and very tiny. We had a few members join on Zoom by phone, and thanks to Phill had pretty good success with the hybrid approach. Because we haven't been in person for over a year, we had loads of awards and promotions stacked up. Many people received commendations for the points they accrued during our hiatus. Since points are gained every time you attend a meeting, participate in a fundraiser, host or come to a social activity, etc., we all kept right on gaining the whole time. Here's a reminder - if you are not able to attend a meeting you can drop a board member a line so you can get credit for calling ahead, and you'll still get your points.

Next up is the Garden Party this Saturday. Those that signed up and paid their $35 fee will be gathering to enjoy the culinary talents of our younger members. It's a fine chance to sit back, relax, and be waited on for a change. We are excited!

A big reminder - if you are coming to the Movie Night on August 13th, you'll need to pay your $12 by the end of July so we know how much food to order. Don't forget - we're going to watch the season premier of Lower Decks and then move on to other Star Trek.

And may I just add - 42 days and 18 hours until the State Fair!!!!! Talk about excited.

See you around the Galaxy!



Peeps Were Tossed

Thanks to everyone that tossed a Peep in the 2021 competition. It was a close match, with some exciting twists and turns. We also learned some valuable lessons.

First, we recognize the winner in the Junior Category. Leah threw that Peep at least five feet!! Yeah!!

Next, let's talk about the purists - those that threw with their own brute strength and no additional technology. Interestingly, three of those strong arms were among the six prizes winner. Congrats to Keith, Jim K, and David R!

Finally, it's no surprise that the other three prize winners were the ones that employed Peep Propellants. Those included Rich with his handy tennis racquet, Harold with his trusty driver (which utterly destroyed his Peep), and Emma with her scintillating serving spoon.

Oh, how about those valuable lessons! First, Peep goo is hard to get off of your golf club. Second, tree branches can completely throw off your aim. And apparently, the spoon is mightier than the arm, as Emma won first place! Considering that she's one of our resident chefs, that was poetic justice.

Thanks to everyone that played. Although the real PeepMaster was not in attendance, we still had lots of fun!